Friday, December 11, 2009
sharp word
I am so grateful for the Word of God. What a gift!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
heaven...the anticipation of being with _____
In the book of Revelation we get the big word that "God will be with his people and dwell among them and be their people." So when we get to heaven, it's going to be incredible to see God. To experience the power and presence of God is huge - so huge and such an awesome experience that God replaces the sun as the light of the world. Try to comprehend this and start anticipating the brightness and perfection that God is.
Thanks God for the realization that "heaven is much more than a place on the earth."
Think about heaven and the promise of seeing God one day, and let that anticipation shape how you act today (in freedom, in joy, in love).
I love the quote by C.S. Lewis: Aim at Heaven and you will get earth 'thrown in': aim at earth and you will get neither.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
dying is...gain
All of learn that death is the end or death is sad; however, do we see that death could mean more?
But the Bible says, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Phillippians 1:21). This verse is saying what are we living for - the writer of this verse is emphasizing - true life is found in a relationship with Christ. A relationship with God is so good because we can communicate, we can understand and experience the heart of God caring and loving us. THIS IS LIFE (as I said, everything is just _______).
Where do you find the best in life? (culture tells us - money, sex, leisure, a good night out with friends)
So then if life is found in perfection when we are face to face with God, then maybe there's more to death than we have thought. Death isn't simply the end, but rather a continuing and even exciting beginning that we will fully be aware of the power, the creativity, the love and greatness of God.
Join us at Gateway Community Church on Sunday, Nov. 8, to start understanding what happens at death....and beyond.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
trouble...but hope
I continue to see how following God is so counter-cultural. Our North American culture teaches us to look after our all costs. But then we start to falter in relationships, we start to turn our backs on others and forget the grace that others have shown. Sadly, all of us are so lost and don't know how to find a path that will lead us through these dark alleys. The only way that we can have hope in our relationships is found in Jesus. Because God promises to help us when the giants of life seem to BIG to handle.
Are we willing to turn over our pride and say, "God I need your help."
He's just waiting for us to help us in supernatural ways!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
being okay because of God
As I was talking with someone this past week, and giving advice, God challenged me, "Why do you search for acceptance from others?" Not sure if you ever look around and try to fit in, but it's a common human trait to act like our friends so we will be accepted; unfortunately, God reminded me that we must accept who God has created us to be first. The first and most important one to please is not ourselves, or others, but God. Thankfully God has created us as amazing individuals, created to reflect him. Genesis (the first book in the Bible) says that we are created in God's image. That our purpose is to be image bearer's of God. We aren't supposed to be billboards for advertising, for our personal gain, for how cool we think we are, or even how stupid we can act, but we are supposed to be all about reflecting God.
So no matter who you hang out with - it's not about being accepted by them - so act silly, stupid, quiet, loud, drunk, or cool - it's about accepting yourself to be who God has called you to be.
I'm so thankful that it is freeing to follow God!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Wow, what a stretch!
This week, I will be involved in the many facets of being a pastor: encouraging people, praying for those who are struggling, writing a sermon, planning for a funeral service, and planning for the future ministry of Gateway. Through all of these significant aspects of ministry, I am seeing the importance of relying on God for strength. It's not about me coming up with some amazing quote or sitting with someone and sharing an inspirational thought -- it's really about knowing God has gone before me, and is willing to lead me in everything.
May your heart be open and thankful for God's grace offered to you.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
visiting home? :)
These are the people who sing the classic hymns (Amazing Grace & Great is thy Faithfulness) with such vigor and passion because these they have seen God faithful through the ups and downs. Some of these ups and downs have meant famines and wars. For others, they have seen their loved ones perish because of cancer, yet they still hold onto God as their refuge and strength.
I am so thankful for these men and women of faith who have remained steady and strong, amidst adversity and now show such passion to pray and support us. For we do not fight this spiritual battle alone, and we are thankful for all of you who pray and encourage us along the journey to follow Jesus.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
continually giving thanks
Recently a friend of mine commented on how much God has done at Gateway... You know, sometimes it takes an outsider to help us see what's really going on (the good and the bad).
In this case it was the good that I needed to see and be thankful for.
Sure, usually my blogs share some amazing news, but I know I need to live out the verse, "in everything give thanks," throughout the week too.
I'm sure thankful that GOd is gracious with me and continues to remind me of his faithfulness and love.
PS - This past weekend was a blast....yes I caught a big salmon - 28lbs, went out for a date with my incredible wife, and had a really enjoyable Fall Kickoff service at Gateway Community Church.
Ok, maybe I'll have to hunt down a turkey :)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thanks Jesus!

Now, the symbol and act of immersion baptism is quite a moving experience. As a follower of Jesus, in this case 4 adults, shared their testimony and then came into the water to be baptized. Yes, Jesus was baptized, but we also baptize people because Jesus says so. (Matthew 28:18-20.."Go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
So 4 people shared the difference Jesus made in their life and then were fully immersed (see pictures to come). Praise God as Brad Pearce, Natalie Pearce, Jeannette Farrell, & Debby McGunigal were all baptized on Sunday, August 13.
We also celebrated with 2 families as they dedicated their children to God. This act of dedication indicates that the family wants to raise their children in knowing God. The family will take an active role in teaching the child about Jesus and the life saving power he can have in their life. (Sure we don't always know how a child''s life will turn out, but we can sure say that the more prayers the better to help a child find a life giving relationship with God).
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Purity...sexual morality
This week taking a big look at the quest and desire for us to be pure. What does that word mean? Really it's plastered all around us. Pure Water. Pure & Simple. (Googling "Pure" - I found a nightclub in Las Vegas called "PURE"). God calls us to aim for purity so we can be like him.
I am struck by God's oneness and purity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are in perfect relationship with one another. Are we willing to aim to be pure and one with our spouse (if we are married)? Do we long to be pure for God's glory, because it will make God famous?
Purity is good. Purity is best!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Truth...shall set us free.
Now at the beginning of the week, while writing this sermon, I thought, "Hey no big deal, I am pretty good at being honest and a straight shooter;" however, the Spirit of God starting challenging me through the Bible that I also need to lead a life of truth. What does that mean?
- following the laws of the land (speeding - must stop, talking on the cell phone while driving - ok I admit, I am one of those people that I hate driving behind)
- filing all my taxes
- being content with the way God has made me, and not try to be something else
- not cutting corners when dealing with people
- telling the truth
- making sure the what I look at on TV and the internet is always appropriate (my wife and kids would watch it with me), so I honor and value my wife and our marriage
Why is truth hard to live out? Probably b/c we still fight our old nature....the natural way to live, and Satan loves to trip us up. Keep on fighting hard to live the truth.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
it's here
It's on youtube - search gatewaychurchport or click here.
The really amazing part of what God did during the Missions Trip at the end of June, has continued, as Gateway continues to welcome new people each week who are searching for answers to the BIG questions of life and meet Jesus.
It's pretty amazing to see God move and be along for the ride!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Dreams realized....God moves in this city!
- 8000 homes (and the people who live inside of them) were prayed for, and received a Gateway fridge magnet and invitation to the Kids Sports Camp
- service projects (free) were done throughout the city to show the city that God loves them (we painted the lettering to the welcome sign to Port Alberni - see this great article from a local online news source; pulled broom around another welcome sign, cleaned up yards, painted block walls)
- Walked with the Gateway float in the Canada Day parade and just loved being part of an exciting church
- ran a 2 day Sports Camp in Blair Park where we saw 175 kids come on the first day and 155 the next. It was such a blast to hang out with these kids and build relationships with many new families.
- Had an awesome outdoor church service on July 5....which has led to having outdoor services all summer!
God continues to amaze us as many new people are showing up each week wanting to be part of a growing and welcoming church that has a place for everyone!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Well today, will be a first, because at 6:30pm (PST) Gateway Community Church will be hosting an incredible team of 60 people from Mountainview Church, from Fresno California. This group has come to share their joy in an amazing God that loves everybody. The team is made up people of all ages and they are really excited to come and serve the people of Port Alberni.
The June 26-July 5 will consist of amazing times of worshipping & praying together, to doing acts of service (such as painting signs, doing yardwork for neighbors, cleaning up the Log train Trail & joining in the Canada Day Parade), and running a 2 day kids sports camp for all kids at Blair Park.
I enter this week with much anticipation and faith that God will do miracles in many people's lives. I'm reminded of the verse in Hebrews 11 - "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
*You will want to be part of this exciting week....stop by for a Sunday service at 10:30am (July 5 - we'll be outside in the parking lot at 8th & Roger St.).
Thursday, June 18, 2009
slowing down
Overprogrammed, overscheduled, and worry and deadlines looming.
What does God offer amidst this hectic schedule I have built for myself?
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
What an alternative! To slow down and God. That when we realize there needs to be downtime, slowtime, resting time (for our brains too), that we will meet God in that time and space.
This thinking goes against what the world is trying to get us to buy into -do more, buy more, schedule more, make more money and then you will become God (you become so big, so important, so affirmed), but God says....
"Be still and know that I am God." It's time to stop, rest and take a break to realize God is waiting for us to sit with him.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Yesterday during our message (you can listen to it here, I was sharing about how we, as the church have God's Spirit living in us (from 1 Cor. 3:16). And because we have God's Spirit in us - we represent God when we come to worship together. We don't just represent ourselves, or our family, or the issues that we have struggled with all week, now we represent God.
So, what are your expectations of yourself when you join the church? Do you expect much of yourself because God is moving and acting in you? Do you expect much of yourself because God is stirring in you an ability to serve and love those around you? Can you imagine how your experience in a church service would change as you would expect more of yourself rather than others. Suddenly we become the vessels and servants of God, rather than hoping someone will meet my needs. All of a sudden we come asking and looking for ways to help and pray and encourage those around us.
What are your expectations of God? Are they high enough when you enter on a Sunday? Do we think God is like some guy who's always there (perhaps like a dentist or mechanic) and really we're not that thrilled to see him? No, we are moved to see God in his fullness as he gives the church everything it needs. God says to Solomon, "My eyes are on it and my heart is in it." Imagine if we came each Sunday, so ready and eager to hear and experience what God was going to do around us and what God wanted to do in us! We are coming to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! Strap on your seatbelts folks, we are in for an incredible ride, as God wants to build our faith!
May God fill you with his faith and joy this week!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Overcoming the biggest hurdle...
All of these hurdles that life throw at us at times seem insurmountable; however, today I stumbled across a verse that continues to ring in my head, "for everyone born of God, overcomes the world." (1 John 5:4). What an realize that God is somehow able for us to overcome the biggest challenges that the world can throw at us. But perhaps the bigger concept that God is trying to get us to swallow, is that the "overcoming" is more mental than physical. How often are we brought down mentally because someone says, "No." How often do we struggle to move forward because an employer says, "You're fired." How much more does a cold or arthritis immobilize us, not because we are in deep pain, but because our mind isn't able to conquer the battle that our body faces.
And what causes us to win this battle, to be overcomers....1 John 5:5 "Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." Our belief, a life changing belief, that Jesus is the hope for us in all circumstances will allow us to be overcomers.
*If you read anything - ponder how this young women, Rachel Barkey's perspective on facing terminal cancer, (a wife, and mother of 2 young children) can say that "Death is not dying" - but life is found in faith! Watch this video of her story shot at the River Rock Casino:
May God strengthen us to have faith which is ready to overcome.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
the week of finale's
1. Amazing Race
2. American Idol
3. The Biggest Loser
All 3 shows reveal to us some of the best in people as they strive to reaching their goal. I have to think of the motivation and devotion of these singers. How many hours have they put in to being the very best they can be? Do I put that type of time into being the best I can be in my relationship with the Almighty God?
These shows push us to think of the potential of people as they utilize their gifts and potential. How incredible to see the way that God can use our lives for his glory and not just our own satisfaction. May we make God famous and not ourselves the biggest prize that we aim for.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
God is love
Ever think about that idea: God is love. God is the one who is the perfect definition and the true definition of love. John explains how God showed his unconditional and self-sacrificial love by sending his Son, Jesus, to earth to die for us, as sinners.
As I was sharing this morning the thought came to me, that often we don't understand the depth of God's love (most often in difficult circumstances like broken relationships, disease, and difficulties that we can't grasp) because there is a weird interplay with the role sin and Satan plays out in our lives.
We are able to find hope in the words of John as he says, "we rely on the love of God" --- no matter how we struggle to understand (especially in our human perspective) a God who is love, we can still rely on him.
As David says over and over in the Psalms...His love endures forever.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Faith from the home crowd
Jesus comes to his hometown to show how the kingdom of God is showing up. He's about to do miracles - heal people, proclaim the good news that God has offered eternal life, and share revolutionary teaching that it's time to have an abundant life. But what did he find, people who doubted his power, and questioned his calling from God...yikes is that us?
God really challenged me, Wow - would I welcome Jesus because of my faith in him? Am I recognized by my unwavering faith in God's unbelievable power?
Let's continue to believe in God, who's able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Easter Video worth watching
But praise God, that other people have creativity - check out this moving video about Jesus' resurrection from Elevation Church:
Monday, April 20, 2009
A video describing the series on 1 John
A simple message...yah right
John gives a command to "Love one another." (1 John 3:11). It's not just about being nice to people, it's about loving those around us. He's referring to a love that is self-sacrificing & unconditional. This act of love is displayed most perfectly in the example of Jesus. Jesus came to earth and laid down his life for us.
Are you following me? The type of love that Jesus calls us to show others, isn't based on how we feel, or if it's convenient. Loving one another is about stepping up and being sacrificial. Perhaps that's in doing the dishes for our spouse, or maybe spending time with our sick kids, or phoning a friend who is always negative. Loving one another challenges us to step up and be proactive about the relationships that need mending and the people who need encouragement around us.
Is it easy for you to another? Why is it tough to love those who are annoying? Are we willing to accept God's strength and Spirit to help us show love to others?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Time to Celebrate
This Sunday we are celebrating a really BIG GOD! I'm going to be looking at the reason to celebrate and what type of God we do celebrate.
If' you're reading this and you are within driving distance...come join us for an incredible Sunday.
Then next Sunday, it's the celebration of Resurrection. What a picture to see that Jesus could rise from the dead. No other religious leader has done it or even claimed to have done it - only Jesus...but why does this matter to us...come find out!
Monday, March 9, 2009
faith plus action equals...
As I wrestled with this text it was quite easy to see, John wasn't talking to the religious leaders who practiced a lot of good things, he was talking to those who really thought they knew God, who studied well, and had a "deep connection" through knowledge with him. John challenges the readers to realize that knowing God is about obeying his commands. The proof of our claims to follow Jesus, will be seen how we act.
So, when God calls us to change, to conquer an addiction, to start a new discipline, to forgive someone that's really made us angry, will we obey?
To hit home the point even more, John speaks about how God's love is made complete when we obey his commands. The completeness of God's love is made by having us unite faith and action. How profound - a bottled up faith, an ignored faith, without action hasn't revealed that God's love is at work.
Thankfully, we realize that in God's grace for us, he will call us to change only what we are capable of. We don't have to be overwhelmed, but know God's spirit will work in us, one area at a time.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wearing a tux in a gas station
As he explained, when God has called us to live out a mission in life, will we listen. He reminded us of the story of Noah, who was called to build a boat. Not a little fishing boat. Not a small pleasure craft - it was a cruise ship - and they never saw rain. Noah heard from God and listened.
Then Steven gave the example of how times we head off to a wedding, this has happened to me & probably you, you're all dressed up and you stop for gas (or a slurpee) and you feel like you have to explain yourself. "I'm heading to a wedding, that's why I'm dressed up." So you stick out, what will you you care, or think, yikes maybe I should just dress down and hang out here.
God really hit me- it's time to live out the mission God has put on my life - to point others to Jesus and stop worrying about other's opinions. I can't be like the Israelites who headed to Canaan and said, "No way Moses, those people are scary & big, so we can't conquer that land!"
Quit taking God out of the equation of your life. Quit saying and believing the doubters, the nay-sayers, those who are stuck at the gas station and haven't been invited to the wedding. God really challenged me that night (Sunday, Feb. 22nd), "Paul, will you step up and move forward, enough talk, now put some plans in place and persevere for my glory?!!"
Put that tux back, on...get that fire of God in your heart and see where he leads....
1 John - 1st Intermission
As I was recovering from trying to explain in less than 40 minutes
- how God is light
- How we could really be sinners
- How Jesus covers sins
- How Jesus is the only atonement for sin
I have to say, what an enjoyable exercise in realizing the depth of my need for God and extravagant his love is, in the form of Jesus!
How do you deal with accepting the love of Jesus? Is it easy to do? Are you ever brought to tears, or is your heart overwhelmed, by what God has done for you?
Thanks God for your abundant love!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
1 John...the second week on Sin
What's the big deal? God really hits me with my great need for God.
John says in verse 8, "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." Then he says, "If we claim to be without sin..."
- Am I guilty of sinning? Am I a sinner? It would help to define sin. As many would think this means some rule (like the Ten Commandments), or moral code, of right and wrong...and hey if I don't break this "law" then I haven't sinned?! Right?
But what if sin is more accurately defined as missing the mark. Don't we all miss the mark compared to God? Or another definition I heard yesterday by Tim Keller was that sin is "building your identity on anything but God." Then he went on to explain, "Sin is turning a good thing into an ultimate thing."
Hmm, a good thing into an ultimate thing. Taking a our job and making it the end all. Hoping for a vacation...but once it comes, then what. Focussing on our family, and smothering them and hoping for more than they can give.
Do you see the problem?
I know I am more aware of the sin in my life. Yes there is sin which encompasses my human nature, but there are also times when I turn a good thing (my marriage, a sport, a holiday) into an idol/ an ultimate thing. Thankfully Jesus is ready to give us a new hope and a strength (named the Holy Spirit) to resist sin and be overcomers...who still always need Jesus.
PS. - hope to see you on Thursday, Feb. 19 at 8pm at Starbucks to discuss the relevance of Jesus and his offer of love and freedom from sin.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
1 John -God's Love... the First week
But as you can see this one is all about the new series 1 John.
After a couple days of studying the first passage I will preach on this week. I throw out some thoughts that have hit me:
- The author's message is heading toward the point that we must embrace the idea that Jesus came as fully God to this earth. Now can we accept that notion--- God living on earth, in a defined place & time? Ok, maybe in theory we can live without really wrestling with God, but here's the kicker - if Jesus lived on this earth, now we must listen to his exclusive words of life & truth! YIKES!!! I am now faced with the big question, which I am hearing John address in the first couple verses of 1 John, will I embrace the same Jesus that John said he turned his life over to?
- The other huge point of these first 4 verses is how Jesus had to be around from the beginning. Jesus' life didn't begin in a stable with a mother named Mary. Jesus' earthly life began then; however, John says, he must have lived all the time with God. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the word was God." When you think of Jesus, are you amazed at his eternal and timeless existence? Do we understand that Jesus was around at the beginning of the world? (This sure expands my view of Jesus as simply a man walking around the dusty villages of Israel!).
Take a read from 1 John 1:1-4--- if you don't have a Bible handy - here's a link:;&version=31
What do you think of John's words? That he actually touched Jesus. He was able to see and hear Jesus. Can you believe the word of John, the author?
Monday, February 2, 2009
1 John
As I was sharing to a friend the other day, blogging is a tough slog...but I know it is still worth it.
This week I am preparing my next sermon series based on 1 John. As I read through the book this afternoon, I was amazed the number of times that John repeated himself. Over and over he stressed the importance of "loving your brother" and how this really was a sign that we loved God.
Now this is quite a challenge, because often we are not going to care much about what somebody in another country does, or some actions that another person takes that doesn't personally touch us; however, when someone close to us - a family member, a friend, sibling, another person at church or work, offends out!!
People who push our buttons and cause us stress who are supposed to be our supporters, can really annoy us. So, how do we respond? Love or Anger? Bitterness or care?
John is going to challenge my heart as he calls believers to do a litmus test to see if they are really understanding, and just as important, living out God's love.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Do you ever battle through the fog? I'm not meaning the fog that some of our West Coast cities can/ are trapped in right now...but the even more dense and demoralizing mental fog, that seems to wear us down. Last week, I again needed God, myself and others, to be reminded of the purpose of my life. Am I hear to live for Am I hear to just set up a But could my purpose to be persevere with God in a great mission to empower and encourage those who too battle through their own fog (maybe of doubt of their own personal mission, a relational battle, a financial crisis)?
I like my friend's, Kristian's comment on how sometimes we need to be get above the fog. Jump in our vehicle and see the reality. See the reality that the sun is actually shining. See that there is a blue sky and an incredible mountains and valleys that are made unique and magnificent. The only way to so often recognize the reality is to push ourselves to get through the fog. The journey may not feel easy, or fun, but wow - to get through and see reality - the way God does is amazing.
I do realize there are times that we have to head back into those dark and dreary areas of struggle, but seeing that God is with us. I love Paul's words in Romans 8:31, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" I like that, who can compare to God, when we see he is with us?
.....on a different I had the sobering time of taking our daughter to the hospital (due to a cold for some tests).
At first to see her curiousity and surprise as she entered a hospital in our home town. "Wow, Dad, look there is a playhouse!" "Look at the trees!" But soon she started seeing the many people hurting. She noticed people dressed different (guys in "dresses" waiting for x-rays). She started complaining as she was tired of waiting. It was hard for me, as her Dad, to try to console her.
I draw this parallel to those who have suffered before her. Those to a much greater extent. Relatives who have battled cancer - some who have won the battle, and others...not.
But the greatest strain, sometimes, is for those who watch those they love suffer.
I am reminded of the heart-wrenching pain of watching Jesus be beaten, tortured, bleeding, that his mother had to go through. We don't hear much about his Father's response, but of course the sorrow was there for his son.
As I think today, I am a wimp when it comes to pain. Even more, I feel the pain of those around me and can't imagine walking with someone I love as they battled a disease.
...God, help us all to understand the compassion which we so naturally show some, to extend to all who are hurting and lonely.
Monday, January 12, 2009
More thoughts on "Identity"
A couple of thoughts I would like to throw around...
- How is our life changed when we understand we are loved by God? Are we able to be a bit more secure when others don't love us? Can we listen to God's voice of affirmation over other voices of stress, condemnation & doubt?
God's word challenges us to live as a new creation, not to hold onto the old way of living. Yes, it's hard to forget and deny our old identity, but very worthwhile!
- Being a child of God...
Do we approach God as our Father? A father who cares for our needs, or do we see God as distant and disconnected? Imagine if we are able to speak to God as Jesus spoke to His Father. With brutal honesty and raw emotion, Jesus called out to God. Can you imagine as Jesus fasted in the desert and was tempted by Satan. Over and over, the humanity would try to doubt the purpose of Jesus' life, but the true identity prevailed as Jesus trusted God and knew where his strength needed to come from.
...Chosen by God
-- this point was brought up by someone after the service. Their comment, which I love engaging in discussion, was that they felt that they were always chosen by God. Yes there was free will, but they have felt a calling on their life by God, that is/ was very hard to shake.
- I would have to agree about God choosing us. Now, I will admit that I don't understand how predestination works or who God chooses, but I do know God gives us enough freedom to stray, but also gives us enough faith to know his love is calling us into his family.
I love Ephesians 1:4 "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as sons through Jesus Christ..."
I gain a lot of strength and encouragement that God chose me, rather than me choosing God!
Enjoying being a child of God,
Saturday, January 10, 2009
So much!
The word "lavish" stood out to me as I read this verse. When God gives us his love, how much does he give? Is he skimpy? Does he say, "That's all I really can give you, but I know you want more?" There are times the selfish part of me holds back what my son wants. Sam, may ask for a piece of my desert, after he's finished his. I'll be honest, my tendency is to give him a little bite, but not all of it. I don't say, "Have mine and I'll go get you some more."
But God looks at us and pours out his love in abundance! His act of sending his son allows us to see that He loves us, even when we don't deserve to see His love.
So many of the miracles of Jesus, were examples of plenty and abundance.
- Jesus feeding the 5000, there were 12 baskets that were left over from the multiplication of 5 loaves and 2 fish!!
- turning water into wine at a wedding: he took 6 jars and made the best wine
- a huge catch of fish -- the disciples are ready to give up and they catch the motherload!!
*To understand that God doesn't just give a little - but he has already given more than we can ask or imagine - his love, his peace, joy.
Can you grasp the great love of God?
How does God's love cause you to act?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Lesson from a Snowball

So, I decided to stay around the house and join in the camraderie of shovelling with my neighbors. After finishing shovelling, and resting my weary back, I headed outside with my kids again.
After Hannah and Sam begged me to build a snowman, a family trudged by in the snow. The mother questioned Hannah, "What are you going to do with that snowball?" Hannah quickly replied, "It's not a snowball, it's part of a SNOWMAN!"
Hannah and Sam continued to play. When inside, I addressed Hannah's remark by saying, "Hannah, you when that lady talked to you about the snowball, you don't have to correct her, that's not your job." As these words came out of my mouth, I could sense God teaching me a lot more than I was ever going to teach Hannah.
I knew God was saying to me, "Quit trying to play God by telling others what to do, it's not your job Paul." It was his gentle voice urging me to let the Holy Spirit convict people of their sin, and not for me to jump on people.
I have to admit, even after God spoke so loudly, I still struggle with judging quickly (sure my heart may be right) but it doesn't excuse my actions. Yes, I too am a sinner. Thankfully God in his grace taught me something through a snowman/ or snowball.
Does God teach you through children? Through snowpeople :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
Now, will you imagine with me continued evidence of people becoming more like Jesus by yielding their own will and desires to the direction of the almighty God? What a picture!!
Reading in the first Life Journal passage for the year yesterday, in Genesis 1 & 2, God struck me with how much freedom that Adam & Eve had in the garden that God created. God tells Adam that he can eat of any of the trees, except one. Following Jesus isn't about rules and staunch religion, Jesus is offering freedom!! Imagine as each of us experience true freedom that overshadows material possessions, trips & family, and other ways Satan tempts us to find our identity.
Imagine... with me a church, the body of Christ, stirred to serve each other, to love each other with the love that Christ showed the church. Imagine with me as Gateway becomes a group of people who are committed to each other --praying for each other, pouring our lives into each other and having a deep desire to celebrate and share together what God is doing in their lives. Imagine people who deeply desire to share their lives with each other in a small group context, realizing we need each other.
Imagine... in 2009 as Gateway Community Church, in Port Alberni, realizes their potential to live as ambassadors for Jesus. Imagine as we embrace the fact we are the hands and feet of Jesus, serving those in need because of what Jesus has done for us. Imagine as we link an amazing message from Jesus with everyday problems (such as anger, bitterness, marital problems), so our dialogue brings life and hope. Imagine as people place visible markers, through baptism & membership, to show their family, friends, God and Satan that they belong to Jesus. we are consumed in worship of God. Picture more than angels bowing down, like in Revelation, but our hearts every minute giving attention and glory to God. Imagine our relationship with God being so vital that we long to be in prayer. Men gather together to pray on mountaintops. Ladies are brought to their knees to call on God's power.
We hunger for God to speak to us and are fed daily as we make time for His words of life.
Can you imagine?? Can you see the Kingdom of God coming in our lives? Do we want Him more in 2009?
I have sensed a need that we need to help people see God's potential of God's kingdom in their lives. In January, we are going to take 4 weeks to "Imagine" together what "Worship, Identity, Mission & Community," could look like. This Sunday, Jan. 4th, we'll start with "Mission" and we'll hear how the 10 families used the $50 seed money to invest in their community.
*In addition as we start this year, our Potluck & Prayer groups have an amazing potential to help people practically grow in their relationship with God and other people. Imagine if God brings those who are hurting, or need encouragement to see visible support.
I hope your imagination for what God is able to do in and through you is amazing. May God blow your mind as you dream for him!
Dreaming of what God will do in 2009!