Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wow! What happened to my daily blog? Well, last week, I was hit with a vicious case of a chest cold, plus really battling through some emotional battles.

Do you ever battle through the fog? I'm not meaning the fog that some of our West Coast cities can/ are trapped in right now...but the even more dense and demoralizing mental fog, that seems to wear us down. Last week, I again needed God, myself and others, to be reminded of the purpose of my life. Am I hear to live for Am I hear to just set up a But could my purpose to be persevere with God in a great mission to empower and encourage those who too battle through their own fog (maybe of doubt of their own personal mission, a relational battle, a financial crisis)?

I like my friend's, Kristian's comment on how sometimes we need to be get above the fog. Jump in our vehicle and see the reality. See the reality that the sun is actually shining. See that there is a blue sky and an incredible mountains and valleys that are made unique and magnificent. The only way to so often recognize the reality is to push ourselves to get through the fog. The journey may not feel easy, or fun, but wow - to get through and see reality - the way God does is amazing.

I do realize there are times that we have to head back into those dark and dreary areas of struggle, but seeing that God is with us. I love Paul's words in Romans 8:31, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" I like that, who can compare to God, when we see he is with us?

.....on a different I had the sobering time of taking our daughter to the hospital (due to a cold for some tests).
At first to see her curiousity and surprise as she entered a hospital in our home town. "Wow, Dad, look there is a playhouse!" "Look at the trees!" But soon she started seeing the many people hurting. She noticed people dressed different (guys in "dresses" waiting for x-rays). She started complaining as she was tired of waiting. It was hard for me, as her Dad, to try to console her.

I draw this parallel to those who have suffered before her. Those to a much greater extent. Relatives who have battled cancer - some who have won the battle, and others...not.
But the greatest strain, sometimes, is for those who watch those they love suffer.
I am reminded of the heart-wrenching pain of watching Jesus be beaten, tortured, bleeding, that his mother had to go through. We don't hear much about his Father's response, but of course the sorrow was there for his son.

As I think today, I am a wimp when it comes to pain. Even more, I feel the pain of those around me and can't imagine walking with someone I love as they battled a disease.

...God, help us all to understand the compassion which we so naturally show some, to extend to all who are hurting and lonely.

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