Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Captivated...longing for a....

What do you long for? What's on your mind? What do really hope for?

This past week, I started a new sermon series from Psalm 1 which talked about a person who received a blessing from God when they "delighted in the law of the Lord." Psalm 1:3

I asked myself this past week, whether I really love God's word? Do I read it because it's just part of my job, or do I hunger to read it?

I felt convicted as too often I hunger for a holiday or can't wait to go fishing, but must desire God's word in order to be truly happy.

There is so much desire to be happy...perhaps longing for more pay, longer vacation, bigger house, or better position...but true happiness is found in the word of God.

Do you believe it? If you haven't picked up God's word for awhile, He is waiting to speak to you!