Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas....all about Christ!

A Christmas Greeting!
....and a reminder of the upcoming Christmas "Pageant" for kids ages 1-12 during the Dec. 23 Sunday Service.  Kids please arrive at 10am to get dressed up in a shepherd, wise men or angel costume.  Then from 10:30-11am the kids will act out the Christmas story.....after that the kids will be dismissed for kidzlife and we'll continue on with another sermon in the series called "Rescue."
Also, YOU...are invited to Gateway's Candlelight Christmas Eve service from 7-8pm.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Marriage Matters....oh yes there are many

So what's with marriage?   You may be reading this and think one of 2 views....marriage is important and key OR marriage is irrelevant and a waste of time & money.

Now as I have been studying and sharing in a sermon series about why marriage matters....and the matters of marriage, I have really heard some fascinating and painful stories surrounding marriage.

When you think about marriage, the good or the bad, it's easy to take credit or to dish out dismay, but hold on!  As I heard the quote, "one unhappy single person who gets married doesn't make that person into a happily married person, but just an even more unhappy person who is now married."

The other reality of marriage is that it basically magnifies the brokeness and weakness in a person's life.  Say, if you had some insecurities about your looks or your were greedy before marriage, once married, these traits will now look HUGE!  It's kind of like the analogy of your heart being like a bridge (take the orange bridge in Port Alberni).  From a distance the bridge can look pretty solid, but under the weight and load of a loaded logging truck, things are a bit different.  The areas of weakness and cracks, weren't put their by the logging truck, but were made known by the logging truck. 

So....marriage is like a logging truck going through your heart. 

Well, before you say, "Forget this marriage stuff...." Hold on.

There is hope....because God created marriage between a man and a woman.   I repeat God created marriage as a gift and plan for humanity! 

He first said there would be this incredible union where 2 would become one.   The physical, emotional, spiritual, financial oneness that God has created us and allowed us to experience is a beautiful and amazing gift.   This gift of oneness is symbolic of  how God is in perfect community and unity between the other members of the Trinity (Son & Holy Spirit).  (Now to clarify, God doesn't want to have sex with us).  
Marriage for sure then, is a daily opportunity to share our weaknesses with another person....and then ask God and them to have the grace and mercy to bear with us as we love and serve them for God's glory!

Monday, April 2, 2012

You are invited to Gateway's Easter Service!

Come out to Gateway's Easter Service - Sunday
Free Brunch - 9:30am
Service @ 10:30am
at the John Paul Catholic School (8th & Maitland)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Coming out of the box!

Last week's sermon, we started the tough series called, "Good Grief." We dealt with looking at the value of sorrow. Have you ever thought sorrow was worthwhile to go through?

We had examined how our culture views sorrow (ie. hide it, get over it, replace the loss), and comparatively how God shares with us about how to deal with sorrow.

Jesus gave a powerful example of dealing with sorrow in his reactions to the death of Lazarus (John 11:1-37). Jesus heard the news of his friend dying and he was struck by literally "snorting like a horse" (Greek word explanation of "deeply moved in spirit"). Then Jesus also, "wept" - which meant to cry quietly. Jesus seems to give us some freeing examples of inviting us to take time to grieve the losses we face. To take time and process who we have lost and the pain that has come. (yes we may not know the reason for the death, but we know there is a sense of sorrow for us).

As I ended the sermon, I called everyone to share the comfort that we have received from God with others. I compared the usual reaction of sorrow, to be like hiding in a I climbed (squeezed) in a little illustrate the way we may feel alone and isolated in our grieving, and then invited the people that come together each week in our home for prayer, support, Bible study & mission (aka a Life Group) to help me out of this situation. They came forward and ripped off the box....put their hand on me, and helped me out of this lonely state.

Do you need to take time to grieve over a loss?
Do you have someone around you to rip off the box or to be with you in your "box?"
Do you believe God can comfort you?

Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year...and some big questions.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's hear...another year, 2012! Have you found yourself saying, "Wow, where did 2011 go?" I sure couldn't believe how fast the month of December went. Gone....but what lies ahead? What good things will be waiting for us?

What good will you experience in 2012? Now when you hear that question - do you perhaps answer - a raise, a new relationship (hopefully not if you are married :), or some new opportunities? But did you ever think that 2012 could hold something good that at first looks horrible?

Do you ever consider that 2012 could be a year of experiencing some pain...which maybe causes you to ask some big questions? So often people ask me, "How can a loving God allow suffering and pain?" This is a very good question....and in many ways I don't know the answer; however, starting this Sunday, January 8th I will be sharing a sermon series called, "Good Grief: figuring out how the goodness of God is present in times of suffering & pain."

What's the biggest question you think needs to be tackled (even if you don't think it can be answered)?
Post them here or email me....