Friday, August 28, 2009

Thanks Jesus!

Well, this past Sunday was one to remember! In the afternoon we, Gateway Community Church, headed out to Sproat Lake to have some fun and to offer a chance for people to be baptized in water.

Now, the symbol and act of immersion baptism is quite a moving experience. As a follower of Jesus, in this case 4 adults, shared their testimony and then came into the water to be baptized. Yes, Jesus was baptized, but we also baptize people because Jesus says so. (Matthew 28:18-20.."Go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

So 4 people shared the difference Jesus made in their life and then were fully immersed (see pictures to come). Praise God as Brad Pearce, Natalie Pearce, Jeannette Farrell, & Debby McGunigal were all baptized on Sunday, August 13.

We also celebrated with 2 families as they dedicated their children to God. This act of dedication indicates that the family wants to raise their children in knowing God. The family will take an active role in teaching the child about Jesus and the life saving power he can have in their life. (Sure we don't always know how a child''s life will turn out, but we can sure say that the more prayers the better to help a child find a life giving relationship with God).

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Purity...sexual morality

Here's the fun topic of the summer, that I have chosen (okay, can I blame this one on God) to preach on this Sunday. We are continuing our series on getting rid of habits that hurt us, ultimately to be more Christ-like.

This week taking a big look at the quest and desire for us to be pure. What does that word mean? Really it's plastered all around us. Pure Water. Pure & Simple. (Googling "Pure" - I found a nightclub in Las Vegas called "PURE"). God calls us to aim for purity so we can be like him.

I am struck by God's oneness and purity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are in perfect relationship with one another. Are we willing to aim to be pure and one with our spouse (if we are married)? Do we long to be pure for God's glory, because it will make God famous?

Purity is good. Purity is best!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Truth...shall set us free.

What it is about truth that we love, but also seem to hate? This past Sunday, I shared about the topic of "Truth Telling" based on the premise that Jesus is the truth (John 14:6 - "I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me). If we want to follow Jesus, we are called to be people of truth.

Now at the beginning of the week, while writing this sermon, I thought, "Hey no big deal, I am pretty good at being honest and a straight shooter;" however, the Spirit of God starting challenging me through the Bible that I also need to lead a life of truth. What does that mean?
  • following the laws of the land (speeding - must stop, talking on the cell phone while driving - ok I admit, I am one of those people that I hate driving behind)
  • filing all my taxes
  • being content with the way God has made me, and not try to be something else
  • not cutting corners when dealing with people
  • telling the truth
  • making sure the what I look at on TV and the internet is always appropriate (my wife and kids would watch it with me), so I honor and value my wife and our marriage

Why is truth hard to live out? Probably b/c we still fight our old nature....the natural way to live, and Satan loves to trip us up. Keep on fighting hard to live the truth.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

it's here

Well, after much waiting....and maybe you didn't realize this big event was about to happen, the HIGHLIGHT VIDEO of the 2009 Port Alberni Missions Trip is here.

It's on youtube - search gatewaychurchport or click here.

The really amazing part of what God did during the Missions Trip at the end of June, has continued, as Gateway continues to welcome new people each week who are searching for answers to the BIG questions of life and meet Jesus.

It's pretty amazing to see God move and be along for the ride!