Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Overcoming the biggest hurdle...

What is your biggest hurdle? What is your biggest battle? Is it self-esteem, motivation, weight, image, a bruised childhood, unemployment, being single?

All of these hurdles that life throw at us at times seem insurmountable; however, today I stumbled across a verse that continues to ring in my head, "for everyone born of God, overcomes the world." (1 John 5:4). What an idea....to realize that God is somehow able for us to overcome the biggest challenges that the world can throw at us. But perhaps the bigger concept that God is trying to get us to swallow, is that the "overcoming" is more mental than physical. How often are we brought down mentally because someone says, "No." How often do we struggle to move forward because an employer says, "You're fired." How much more does a cold or arthritis immobilize us, not because we are in deep pain, but because our mind isn't able to conquer the battle that our body faces.

And what causes us to win this battle, to be overcomers....1 John 5:5 "Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." Our belief, a life changing belief, that Jesus is the hope for us in all circumstances will allow us to be overcomers.

*If you read anything - ponder how this young women, Rachel Barkey's perspective on facing terminal cancer, (a wife, and mother of 2 young children) can say that "Death is not dying" - but life is found in faith! Watch this video of her story shot at the River Rock Casino:

May God strengthen us to have faith which is ready to overcome.

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