Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Truth...shall set us free.

What it is about truth that we love, but also seem to hate? This past Sunday, I shared about the topic of "Truth Telling" based on the premise that Jesus is the truth (John 14:6 - "I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me). If we want to follow Jesus, we are called to be people of truth.

Now at the beginning of the week, while writing this sermon, I thought, "Hey no big deal, I am pretty good at being honest and a straight shooter;" however, the Spirit of God starting challenging me through the Bible that I also need to lead a life of truth. What does that mean?
  • following the laws of the land (speeding - must stop, talking on the cell phone while driving - ok I admit, I am one of those people that I hate driving behind)
  • filing all my taxes
  • being content with the way God has made me, and not try to be something else
  • not cutting corners when dealing with people
  • telling the truth
  • making sure the what I look at on TV and the internet is always appropriate (my wife and kids would watch it with me), so I honor and value my wife and our marriage

Why is truth hard to live out? Probably b/c we still fight our old nature....the natural way to live, and Satan loves to trip us up. Keep on fighting hard to live the truth.

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