Thursday, June 18, 2009

slowing down

Ever feel like you are stuck on the freeway of life and you can't pull over to a rest stop? Now in Port Alberni we don't have a freeway, but this past week, I have felt like I am on this speedway, as life flies by me. What do I mean?

Overprogrammed, overscheduled, and worry and deadlines looming.

What does God offer amidst this hectic schedule I have built for myself?

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

What an alternative! To slow down and God. That when we realize there needs to be downtime, slowtime, resting time (for our brains too), that we will meet God in that time and space.

This thinking goes against what the world is trying to get us to buy into -do more, buy more, schedule more, make more money and then you will become God (you become so big, so important, so affirmed), but God says....

"Be still and know that I am God." It's time to stop, rest and take a break to realize God is waiting for us to sit with him.

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