Tuesday, September 15, 2009

continually giving thanks

Ok, it's not Thanksgiving yet, but let's just pull out the turkey's! It's amazing what God has done and is still doing! God continues to draw people to a relationship with him.

Recently a friend of mine commented on how much God has done at Gateway... You know, sometimes it takes an outsider to help us see what's really going on (the good and the bad).
In this case it was the good that I needed to see and be thankful for.

Sure, usually my blogs share some amazing news, but I know I need to live out the verse, "in everything give thanks," throughout the week too.

I'm sure thankful that GOd is gracious with me and continues to remind me of his faithfulness and love.
PS - This past weekend was a blast....yes I caught a big salmon - 28lbs, went out for a date with my incredible wife, and had a really enjoyable Fall Kickoff service at Gateway Community Church.

Ok, maybe I'll have to hunt down a turkey :)

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