Tuesday, November 3, 2009

dying is...gain

So as I begin a 4 week series called, "So you're dead, now what?" This first week, I'm really challenged to understand what death means.

All of learn that death is the end or death is sad; however, do we see that death could mean more?

But the Bible says, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Phillippians 1:21). This verse is saying what are we living for - the writer of this verse is emphasizing - true life is found in a relationship with Christ. A relationship with God is so good because we can communicate, we can understand and experience the heart of God caring and loving us. THIS IS LIFE (as I said, everything is just _______).
Where do you find the best in life? (culture tells us - money, sex, leisure, a good night out with friends)

So then if life is found in perfection when we are face to face with God, then maybe there's more to death than we have thought. Death isn't simply the end, but rather a continuing and even exciting beginning that we will fully be aware of the power, the creativity, the love and greatness of God.

Join us at Gateway Community Church on Sunday, Nov. 8, to start understanding what happens at death....and beyond.

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