Sunday, September 27, 2009

visiting home? :)

This past Sunday, we were able to make a trip to the mainland to visit our former church, Northside Community Church in Mission. I have to say how encouraging it is to come and visit a group of believers that love Jesus. The people that really were excited to see us and hear how things are going in Port Alberni are the "pillars"of faith (in my eyes).
These are the people who sing the classic hymns (Amazing Grace & Great is thy Faithfulness) with such vigor and passion because these they have seen God faithful through the ups and downs. Some of these ups and downs have meant famines and wars. For others, they have seen their loved ones perish because of cancer, yet they still hold onto God as their refuge and strength.

I am so thankful for these men and women of faith who have remained steady and strong, amidst adversity and now show such passion to pray and support us. For we do not fight this spiritual battle alone, and we are thankful for all of you who pray and encourage us along the journey to follow Jesus.

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