Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1 John...the second week on Sin

After passionately preaching on 1 John, it's time to move forward on why we really need God's love. This week's passage, 1 John 1:5-2:2, is quite a challenge to digest.

What's the big deal? God really hits me with my great need for God.
John says in verse 8, "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." Then he says, "If we claim to be without sin..."

- Am I guilty of sinning? Am I a sinner? It would help to define sin. As many would think this means some rule (like the Ten Commandments), or moral code, of right and wrong...and hey if I don't break this "law" then I haven't sinned?! Right?
But what if sin is more accurately defined as missing the mark. Don't we all miss the mark compared to God? Or another definition I heard yesterday by Tim Keller was that sin is "building your identity on anything but God." Then he went on to explain, "Sin is turning a good thing into an ultimate thing."
Hmm, a good thing into an ultimate thing. Taking a our job and making it the end all. Hoping for a vacation...but once it comes, then what. Focussing on our family, and smothering them and hoping for more than they can give.
Do you see the problem?

I know I am more aware of the sin in my life. Yes there is sin which encompasses my human nature, but there are also times when I turn a good thing (my marriage, a sport, a holiday) into an idol/ an ultimate thing. Thankfully Jesus is ready to give us a new hope and a strength (named the Holy Spirit) to resist sin and be overcomers...who still always need Jesus.

PS. - hope to see you on Thursday, Feb. 19 at 8pm at Starbucks to discuss the relevance of Jesus and his offer of love and freedom from sin.

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