Thursday, December 4, 2008
Dive into that water!
As I've been explaining to everyone who has two legs (I haven't seen too many people without 2 legs - but I'd tell them too), this is one of the most exciting services a church can host.
This act of getting fully immersed (baptized) in water, is a powerful and dramatic spiritual act that shows a person has decided to follow Jesus.
*Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 "Go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." There is no question, the church is supposed to baptize people who are following him. Once they believe, they should be baptized!
So often, we are willing to wear the colors of our favourite team, or designer, but here's an public display where someone is identifying themself with Jesus. Going down under the water, represents how they are dying to their sins, just as Christ died for our sins, and the coming out of the water, reveals how they are going to be raised from the dead (because God raised Jesus from the dead).
It will be very moving to hear adults share why they decided to follow Jesus. I'm sure we have all heard of the show, "Biggest Loser." These people enter a work-out program and diet plan to see their life change. Throughout the show, they share what they used to look like, feel like, and now....what they weight, act like and feel.
So...what does this TV show have to do with Baptism....on Sunday, people will share the changes Jesus has made in their life! They'll share what their life was like before (ie. worried about life, unsure about their purpose, scared about their marriage, and after meeting Jesus --- they have peace, their is hope about their future, they can trust God to lead them in raising their children).
*So watch out Satan....God is moving people to stand up for him. It's going to be a celebration in heaven and in Port Alberni on Sunday!!
Come out....everyone is invited!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The toughest prayer...what could it be
1. Prayer is a really tough practice - but over and over Jesus encourages us, the Bible shares stories of why to do it and the difference it makes on our perspective.
2. When we pray, we need to believe we aren't coming to the back door of a grocery store to see what scraps are thrown out, but we are approaching the king of kings. This is the King of the Universe who is able to give us much more than we "ask or imagine."
3. Prayer is certainly mysterious in when God gives us what we want, but more often he is pleased that we are communicating with him and desire to understand and live out his will more fully.
4. I like to pray, but often I have many excuses why I don't pray (ie. tired, doubt, unsure if God cares).
5. God's will and kingdom is for us to discover through prayer and reading His Word.
What do you think of prayer?
Do you have any big questions that you think I really need to discuss as we end this series in the next couple weeks. (Please realize there are some questions I don't know the answer to).
....have a great weekend and believe that God can hear you!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Prayer...what's up...or just do it
Reading this story this past week from Luke 17:15-18 - where Jesus heals 10 men with leprosy, but only one comes back and thanks Jesus for the healing he receives. What audacity to forget to thank the one who had healed them! Do you ever get that way? I can say my kids forget to thank me when I give them a snack or buy them a new toy, but do I forget to thank God for all the great things (house, job, wife, children, clothes, car) he has given me?
In the next 2 months at Gateway Community Church, we are going to be looking at the tough questions surrounding prayer. Topics like - "Why do we thank God? Why do we talk to him? Does he hear us? Why doesn't he always answer the way we want?
I think for some of us - we know the power of prayer, but forget to utilize this incredible gift God has given us. On the other hand, perhaps we have seen prayers go "unanswered" (when a family member dies or we lose our job or our marriage falls apart) so our belief in prayer is shaken.
Will you join us in a journey as we look at what Jesus says about prayer. Why pray the Lord's prayer? Does it have any significance today? Strap on your seat belts and be prepared to see God come alive!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Search for Truth

“GENEVA (AP) Whatever the case, the most powerful atom-smasher ever built comes online Wednesday, eagerly anticipated by scientists worldwide who have awaited this moment for two decades.The multibillion-dollar Large Hadron Collider will explore the tiniest particles and come ever closer to re-enacting the big bang, the theory that a colossal explosion created the universe.The machine at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, promises scientists a closer look at the makeup of matter, filling in gaps in knowledge or possibly reshaping theories.The first beams of protons will be fired around the 17-mile tunnel to test the controlling strength of the world's largest superconducting magnets. It will still be about a month before beams traveling in opposite directions are brought together in collisions that some skeptics fear could create micro "black holes" and endanger the planet.The project has attracted researchers of 80 nationalities, some 1,200 of them from the United States, which contributed $531 million of the project's price tag of nearly $4 billion.”
What does this have to do with Gateway Community Church or Port Alberni…a lot! This Sunday, we investigate how there could be only one truth (the way to be saved). He said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Isn’t it interesting, some 2000 years after Jesus was around, people are still trying to simulate what only God could do – create life? 4 Billion dollars has been spent on this machine in Switzerland – what will happen – perhaps Switzerland and the earth is sucked into a black hole?? I don’t know – but what I do know is people want to know the truth!
What do you think about these scientists attempts?
How hard do you search for truth?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Enjoying Creation
pastor (for those of you who didn't know) at Gateway Community Church - it's great to have some experiences that can be used as learning times (ie. times to really pray).
Let me explain, our trip was supposed to be pretty laid back, but it ended up being quite an adventure. On the second day of kayaking we arrived back to our camp at Hand Island, but soon after, the wind and heavy rain picked up. Now a little rain, anyone can handle, but winds over 40km/hr is a bit different - especially when our tent was leaking for some reason. After eating supper under a tarp that was flapping in the wind like a sail, it was time to hunker down in a more "protected" area. Unfortunately when you lie in a tent and trees are flinging their limbs around in gusts of winds, you really start to pray.
I have to admit I prayed quite a bit that night...and thankfully God answered my prayers and no trees fell on our tent.
Overall our trip was fun. Sure we came home a day early, but I would certainly paddle out there again. The area is spectacular. There is so much to see and I really like what God has done with the place :)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Our God is so or TOO BIG!
"In the beginning, God made man in His Image.
Man has been making God in his image ever since.
Call it naturalism. Call it anthropomorphism. Call it idolatry. Call it what you will. The end result of this spiritual inversion is a god that is about our size and looks an awful lot like us. And most of our spiritual shortcomings stem from this fundamental mistake: thinking about God in human terms. We make God in our image and what we’re left with is a God who can never surprise us, never astonish us, never overwhelm us, never transcend us.
Thomas Jefferson loved the teachings of Jesus. In fact, the author of the Declaration of Independence once called them the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man. But Jefferson was also a child of the Enlightenment. He didn’t have a cognitive category for miracles so Jefferson literally took a pair of scissors and cut them out of his King James Bible. It took him two or three nights. And by the time he was done, he had cut out the virgin birth; cut out the angels; and cut out the resurrection. Jefferson extracted every miracle and the end result was a book titled the Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth or what is commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible.
Hard to imagine isn’t it? And something rises up within those of us that believe the Bible is divinely inspired by God. Part of us scoffs or scolds Jefferson. You can’t pick-and-choose. You can’t cut-and-paste. You can’t do that to the Bible. But here’s the honest truth: while most of us can’t imagine taking a pair of scissors to the Bible and physically cutting verses out, we do exactly what Jefferson did. We ignore verses we cannot comprehend. We avoid verses we do not like. And we rationalize verses that are too radical. And we may not cut them out with a pair of scissors, but the end result is the same. We are trapped by our own logic. Our lives are limited to those things we can comprehend with our cerebral cortex. And we end up in the cage of our own assumptions. And the more assumptions we make, the smaller our cage becomes."
I continually meet people who look at the miracles of the Bible and what Jesus did and dismiss what they can't comprehend. Ok, I must be honest - I do the same thing too. How often do I read that Jesus fed the five thousand or walked on water and thought - that can't happen now --- but then where is my faith?
How much faith do you really have? Do you really believe all the miracles of Jesus? Careful if you read this and say - oh yes!
What about this verse..."When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." New International Version. (Lk 9:1-2).
Can you believe God has called us to live in this way of faith? Or would rather form God into our own image?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Captivated...longing for a....
This past week, I started a new sermon series from Psalm 1 which talked about a person who received a blessing from God when they "delighted in the law of the Lord." Psalm 1:3
I asked myself this past week, whether I really love God's word? Do I read it because it's just part of my job, or do I hunger to read it?
I felt convicted as too often I hunger for a holiday or can't wait to go fishing, but must desire God's word in order to be truly happy.
There is so much desire to be happy...perhaps longing for more pay, longer vacation, bigger house, or better position...but true happiness is found in the word of God.
Do you believe it? If you haven't picked up God's word for awhile, He is waiting to speak to you!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
But, last Tuesday, I was able to go to a church planters network meeting and hear a talk about managing conflict. As the speaker, Ron Toews, (a friend, mentor, teacher, fellow follower of Jesus) unpacked this idea and the implications of managing conflict in a healthy way, God started to speak in a mighty way!
Here's some points that stood out:
- "The mission of God should create conflict" Basically, if we are following the Bible and what the church is called to be and we are called to be, it will create some conflict....good conflict
- "Helping people work through the small conflict in life, will pave the way for working on the bigger conflict."
So, some big questions came to mind...for you (not really sure who reads this, one person or 100), but to ponder for yourselves:
- How do you manage conflict at your workplace?
- If there was a continuum of conflict, where would you be....hating conflict - not minding it once in awhile - or embracing it no matter what.
- How do you manage conflict in your marriage or close friendships? Who takes the lead in resolving conflict, you or the other person?
- What about in church...have you run away from conflict, not willing to work through it - I know often I have, and already at Gateway, I have shyed away from certain people and conflict with them....unhealthy - for sure!
This idea about conflict led me to this sight, which I found yesterday. Check it out...even watch the video - what secrets do we hide or live in fear to? God give you hope and joy as you receive his love today,
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
the second week of the apocalypse...teaching on marriage
- Wow, you sure nailed us!
- Now that no guys will ever show up to a Sunday service who are you going to preach to?
- I have all of those areas figured out.
I have to admit, this was a convicting sermon to preach. There are so many areas I need to elevate and be thankful for my wife. I sure have a great calling to be a leader in our home, who loves God and lives out his love that Jesus showed to the church.
This week, I follow up with addressing the wives (and the husbands, but they don't know that), about submission, headship, respect...which are all lived out, only through a relationship with God.
If you are married, discuss with your spouse, what an ideal marriage would look like...then start working towards that goal of oneness and love.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Desperate Households...& lives
What could that passage be that is so difficult? It's a passage that says, "Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church."
What's the big deal, you may be wondering? Just a reminder that Jesus gave up his life for the church (ie. people who want to have a relationship with God). My question is, men, when is the last time you really sacrificed for your wife?...Now I'm not talking about changing the channel during the playoffs, or washing the dishes, but I mean consistently thought of your wife's needs and wanted to do whatever it took to please her?
I find it's quite easy in a marriage relationship to point out and get frustrated with all the things my wife doesn't do (don't get me wrong, she is pretty amazing), but it's much more difficult to love her unconditionally, to be focus on her and treating her like I am dating her.
If you want to find out more what my thoughts will sound like...come out Sunday, I dare you:)
The rest of the month, in our series on Desperate Households, we will be flipping the tables and looking at how our wives can be a good lover, how kids and parents can get along, and how to raise up children....
Come out on a Sunday, this series, based in Ephesians 5:21-33 - will give you some real life application that I guarantee will improve your home life.
Share some stories/ comments on who has taught you how to have a good family life, marriage?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Will you come with me?
What am I talking about? When Moses was leading the Israelites, Moses begged God and virtually demanded that God would accompany him wherever he would go. If you have kids, or have spent any time with younger children, you realize how children most often want your presence. Sam, our son who's almost 3, loves to grab my hand and beg me to come "play trucks." He doesn't just want me to sit in the same room, or even to watch on the floor, but he wants my attention, my interaction and friendship.
How often do we desire the same from God? We don't want to head into the unknown alone, but hope that God will come alongside us. Thankfully God promises his Holy Spirit to be with us, so we don't have to wonder if God will come along, like a dog. But God is always there (He says, "He will never leave us nor forsake us").
Back to the story of Moses in Exodus 33:17 - God promises to be with Moses because he is pleased with him and knows him by name. I'm certainly thankful, that through Jesus, God is pleased with me and I can be called a child of God.
How have you seen God's presence in you life...leave a comment.
(Pastor of Gateway Community Church)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Cylcone in Myanmar
Do I believe in evil? Do you believe in the power of Satan? For sure, their is an evil presence working through this government. Unfortunately, this government is not helping their own citizens so they can get the required aid to prevent major outbreaks of cholera & diarrhea. It's unbelievable that the government would have a major vote, just after a huge portion of their country has been wiped out!
We must pray that God would soften the hearts of those leaders to allow the foreign aid and workers into the country. What we are seeing in Myanmar is similar to the story of Pharoah, who had such a hard heart and wasn't able to see his own ignorance.
Written from a land of abundance, a person who is humbled and in awe of how much we have and yet how little we care for those in need.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Big world...big God
God had a plan when he created. His best plan was for his creation to worship him and point people to his nature. One of my favourite verses is Psalm 19:1,2 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they put forth speech; night after night they display knowledge."
As our family went for a walk yesterday in the forest and along a sparkling clean stream, it is so evident that nature didn't happen by chance. God is the creator and allows us to enjoy his creation. ...thanks God!
Monday, April 28, 2008
The mystery of prayer
As I was reading a passage in Matthew 4:23, it says Jesus, "climbed up the mountain so he could be by himself and pray. He stayed there alone, late into the night." Isn't this amazing? That Jesus, who was fully God, even found an importance to retreat and be alone with God. You'd think Jesus would have been in-tune enough with the Father to hear his voice and respond appropriately. But was Jesus, distracted by the crowds, the culture just as much as we are today?
I like the words of David in the Psalms, "Be still and know that I am God." There is something freeing in being still and quiet before God. To know that God can hear us and that he's waiting to converse with us. I think of my children, who desire my attention. They will put up with me, not giving them my full attention, but love to sit and tell me about their day and talk with me.
Am I willing to retreat, to be with God? Are you willing to hear the voice of your creator? Carving some time in your day, just like Jesus? Is it worth it? Let's find out.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Reflecting on Life....and death
So often I recall the comments of David in the Bible, found in the Psalms. He went from praising God, to crying out to him, to reflecting on the presence and power of the creator. I can sure relate to David's feelings & his authenticity. For sure David didn't understand his world or some of the events that came his way; however, David still hung onto God.
When we face adversity, perhaps the death of a family member or friend, will we turn to God? Do we trust that He is there for us? Or does our faith weaken in adversity?
My hope is that Paul's words in Philippians 4:7 are what we live out..
"in everything, by prayer an petition present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Feeling out of place...
Do you ever feel out of place? Like you've shown up somewhere and you're wondering how did I end up here? At times my life seems quite surreal that way...especially as I reflect on 2007. Through the year I encountered a bunch of different cultures (Hawaiin & Thai), but also the culture of a boy (my son) who is trying to learn to express himself and likes to yell at me when he doesn't get his way.
What did I learn from all of these different encounters with people? I certainly learned a lot about how people desire to be loved. Now I won't exclude myself from this "not so new idea." Whether it was in Thailand, on the streets of Phuket or on the beach in Waikiki, people want to be noticed, accepted and loved. I am reminded of the depth of these words from 1 Corinthians 13, verse 4, "Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." Isn't that what love is supposed to be. It is not easy to practice or give this type of love, but it is very rewarding - for the recipient and the giver.