Do you ever want to go on a drive....a drive to get away, a drive to slow down, a drive to see something new? Well, yesterday I was able to take the day and head to Nanaimo (about 1 hour away), and wow, was it good. On the way I realized what a privilege it was to have the freedom to get away. Being in a place of busyness to now one of reflection while driving, the shift was enormous!
As I drove I was able to start giving thanks to God for what he has done. The power of giving thanks to someone else - forces our mind to see the goodness of our surroundings rather than all the problems. I can have an amazing week, but one little thing can shift my focus. It's like I can get caught up in seeing the thorns on a rose, rather than the beauty of the rose pedals.
Are you caught in a way of thinking that is driving you to worry and bitter? A helpful alternative is to thank God for the positives of that person, for your situation, or for what you have learned and seen. "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever." Psalm 136:1
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