Monday, March 7, 2011

the radical call to love our neighbor

Do you ever wonder what it means to love your neighbor as yourself? In some ways, I hope we all wrestle with this command that Jesus gives....but where do we come at the end of our discussion?
Will we act like the expert in the law (in Luke 10:29) who tries to "justify himself" - which really means he is trying to make excuses for why he didn't love those in need around him?

As I preached yesterday on the passage of the Good Samaritan and loving your neighbor as yourself (you can listen to the sermon here), it was definitely tough. Because so often I have come up with excuses (I think really good ones) why I haven't shared with those in need. I am really good at justifying my behavior of why I need to keep my money and resources close to me. But then I read this passage and hear how Jesus used a story of a Samaritan (who is a person who was hated by the Jews - avoided at all costs) to help the man who was beaten on the side of the road.

And anytime I think that I can't trust those around me to use the resources I share, wow I will be reminded of this quote:

“Christ loved us, and was kind to us, and was willing to relieve us, though we were very hateful persons, of an evil disposition, not deserving of any good… we should be willing to be kind to those who are….very undeserving” ("The Charity to the Poor" by Jonathan Edwards 369)

This is a powerful quote that destroys the self-righteous attitude that I so easily hold onto.'s time to daily listen to God to who might be in need, and how we can share the resources that he has given us!

Get ready for an adventure!

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