Wow! What happened to my daily blog? Well, last week, I was hit with a vicious case of a chest cold, plus really battling through some emotional battles.
Do you ever battle through the fog? I'm not meaning the fog that some of our West Coast cities can/ are trapped in right now...but the even more dense and demoralizing mental fog, that seems to wear us down. Last week, I again needed God, myself and others, to be reminded of the purpose of my life. Am I hear to live for Am I hear to just set up a But could my purpose to be persevere with God in a great mission to empower and encourage those who too battle through their own fog (maybe of doubt of their own personal mission, a relational battle, a financial crisis)?
I like my friend's, Kristian's comment on how sometimes we need to be get above the fog. Jump in our vehicle and see the reality. See the reality that the sun is actually shining. See that there is a blue sky and an incredible mountains and valleys that are made unique and magnificent. The only way to so often recognize the reality is to push ourselves to get through the fog. The journey may not feel easy, or fun, but wow - to get through and see reality - the way God does is amazing.
I do realize there are times that we have to head back into those dark and dreary areas of struggle, but seeing that God is with us. I love Paul's words in Romans 8:31, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" I like that, who can compare to God, when we see he is with us?
.....on a different I had the sobering time of taking our daughter to the hospital (due to a cold for some tests).
At first to see her curiousity and surprise as she entered a hospital in our home town. "Wow, Dad, look there is a playhouse!" "Look at the trees!" But soon she started seeing the many people hurting. She noticed people dressed different (guys in "dresses" waiting for x-rays). She started complaining as she was tired of waiting. It was hard for me, as her Dad, to try to console her.
I draw this parallel to those who have suffered before her. Those to a much greater extent. Relatives who have battled cancer - some who have won the battle, and others...not.
But the greatest strain, sometimes, is for those who watch those they love suffer.
I am reminded of the heart-wrenching pain of watching Jesus be beaten, tortured, bleeding, that his mother had to go through. We don't hear much about his Father's response, but of course the sorrow was there for his son.
As I think today, I am a wimp when it comes to pain. Even more, I feel the pain of those around me and can't imagine walking with someone I love as they battled a disease.
...God, help us all to understand the compassion which we so naturally show some, to extend to all who are hurting and lonely.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
More thoughts on "Identity"
After preaching yesterday about Identity, I thought I needed to share a bit more about the impact of really understanding our true identity in Christ.
A couple of thoughts I would like to throw around...
- How is our life changed when we understand we are loved by God? Are we able to be a bit more secure when others don't love us? Can we listen to God's voice of affirmation over other voices of stress, condemnation & doubt?
God's word challenges us to live as a new creation, not to hold onto the old way of living. Yes, it's hard to forget and deny our old identity, but very worthwhile!
- Being a child of God...
Do we approach God as our Father? A father who cares for our needs, or do we see God as distant and disconnected? Imagine if we are able to speak to God as Jesus spoke to His Father. With brutal honesty and raw emotion, Jesus called out to God. Can you imagine as Jesus fasted in the desert and was tempted by Satan. Over and over, the humanity would try to doubt the purpose of Jesus' life, but the true identity prevailed as Jesus trusted God and knew where his strength needed to come from.
...Chosen by God
-- this point was brought up by someone after the service. Their comment, which I love engaging in discussion, was that they felt that they were always chosen by God. Yes there was free will, but they have felt a calling on their life by God, that is/ was very hard to shake.
- I would have to agree about God choosing us. Now, I will admit that I don't understand how predestination works or who God chooses, but I do know God gives us enough freedom to stray, but also gives us enough faith to know his love is calling us into his family.
I love Ephesians 1:4 "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as sons through Jesus Christ..."
I gain a lot of strength and encouragement that God chose me, rather than me choosing God!
Enjoying being a child of God,
A couple of thoughts I would like to throw around...
- How is our life changed when we understand we are loved by God? Are we able to be a bit more secure when others don't love us? Can we listen to God's voice of affirmation over other voices of stress, condemnation & doubt?
God's word challenges us to live as a new creation, not to hold onto the old way of living. Yes, it's hard to forget and deny our old identity, but very worthwhile!
- Being a child of God...
Do we approach God as our Father? A father who cares for our needs, or do we see God as distant and disconnected? Imagine if we are able to speak to God as Jesus spoke to His Father. With brutal honesty and raw emotion, Jesus called out to God. Can you imagine as Jesus fasted in the desert and was tempted by Satan. Over and over, the humanity would try to doubt the purpose of Jesus' life, but the true identity prevailed as Jesus trusted God and knew where his strength needed to come from.
...Chosen by God
-- this point was brought up by someone after the service. Their comment, which I love engaging in discussion, was that they felt that they were always chosen by God. Yes there was free will, but they have felt a calling on their life by God, that is/ was very hard to shake.
- I would have to agree about God choosing us. Now, I will admit that I don't understand how predestination works or who God chooses, but I do know God gives us enough freedom to stray, but also gives us enough faith to know his love is calling us into his family.
I love Ephesians 1:4 "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as sons through Jesus Christ..."
I gain a lot of strength and encouragement that God chose me, rather than me choosing God!
Enjoying being a child of God,
Saturday, January 10, 2009
So much!
This past week, I stumbled upon this verse, "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God." 1 John 3:1
The word "lavish" stood out to me as I read this verse. When God gives us his love, how much does he give? Is he skimpy? Does he say, "That's all I really can give you, but I know you want more?" There are times the selfish part of me holds back what my son wants. Sam, may ask for a piece of my desert, after he's finished his. I'll be honest, my tendency is to give him a little bite, but not all of it. I don't say, "Have mine and I'll go get you some more."
But God looks at us and pours out his love in abundance! His act of sending his son allows us to see that He loves us, even when we don't deserve to see His love.
So many of the miracles of Jesus, were examples of plenty and abundance.
- Jesus feeding the 5000, there were 12 baskets that were left over from the multiplication of 5 loaves and 2 fish!!
- turning water into wine at a wedding: he took 6 jars and made the best wine
- a huge catch of fish -- the disciples are ready to give up and they catch the motherload!!
*To understand that God doesn't just give a little - but he has already given more than we can ask or imagine - his love, his peace, joy.
Can you grasp the great love of God?
How does God's love cause you to act?
The word "lavish" stood out to me as I read this verse. When God gives us his love, how much does he give? Is he skimpy? Does he say, "That's all I really can give you, but I know you want more?" There are times the selfish part of me holds back what my son wants. Sam, may ask for a piece of my desert, after he's finished his. I'll be honest, my tendency is to give him a little bite, but not all of it. I don't say, "Have mine and I'll go get you some more."
But God looks at us and pours out his love in abundance! His act of sending his son allows us to see that He loves us, even when we don't deserve to see His love.
So many of the miracles of Jesus, were examples of plenty and abundance.
- Jesus feeding the 5000, there were 12 baskets that were left over from the multiplication of 5 loaves and 2 fish!!
- turning water into wine at a wedding: he took 6 jars and made the best wine
- a huge catch of fish -- the disciples are ready to give up and they catch the motherload!!
*To understand that God doesn't just give a little - but he has already given more than we can ask or imagine - his love, his peace, joy.
Can you grasp the great love of God?
How does God's love cause you to act?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Lesson from a Snowball

Yesterday was a different day. After a big dump of heavy snow on Sunday night, the first day of school for the new year was cancelled and everybody worked to have access to the roads. However, after starting to drive around, I quickly found out the roads were only a haven to get hung up on mounds of snow and test the grip of my 2 winter tires.
So, I decided to stay around the house and join in the camraderie of shovelling with my neighbors. After finishing shovelling, and resting my weary back, I headed outside with my kids again.
After Hannah and Sam begged me to build a snowman, a family trudged by in the snow. The mother questioned Hannah, "What are you going to do with that snowball?" Hannah quickly replied, "It's not a snowball, it's part of a SNOWMAN!"
Hannah and Sam continued to play. When inside, I addressed Hannah's remark by saying, "Hannah, you when that lady talked to you about the snowball, you don't have to correct her, that's not your job." As these words came out of my mouth, I could sense God teaching me a lot more than I was ever going to teach Hannah.
I knew God was saying to me, "Quit trying to play God by telling others what to do, it's not your job Paul." It was his gentle voice urging me to let the Holy Spirit convict people of their sin, and not for me to jump on people.
I have to admit, even after God spoke so loudly, I still struggle with judging quickly (sure my heart may be right) but it doesn't excuse my actions. Yes, I too am a sinner. Thankfully God in his grace taught me something through a snowman/ or snowball.
Does God teach you through children? Through snowpeople :)
So, I decided to stay around the house and join in the camraderie of shovelling with my neighbors. After finishing shovelling, and resting my weary back, I headed outside with my kids again.
After Hannah and Sam begged me to build a snowman, a family trudged by in the snow. The mother questioned Hannah, "What are you going to do with that snowball?" Hannah quickly replied, "It's not a snowball, it's part of a SNOWMAN!"
Hannah and Sam continued to play. When inside, I addressed Hannah's remark by saying, "Hannah, you when that lady talked to you about the snowball, you don't have to correct her, that's not your job." As these words came out of my mouth, I could sense God teaching me a lot more than I was ever going to teach Hannah.
I knew God was saying to me, "Quit trying to play God by telling others what to do, it's not your job Paul." It was his gentle voice urging me to let the Holy Spirit convict people of their sin, and not for me to jump on people.
I have to admit, even after God spoke so loudly, I still struggle with judging quickly (sure my heart may be right) but it doesn't excuse my actions. Yes, I too am a sinner. Thankfully God in his grace taught me something through a snowman/ or snowball.
Does God teach you through children? Through snowpeople :)
...Always learning,
Friday, January 2, 2009
As 2009 has begun, God is stirring in me to pray for what God could do. Do you ever daydream? Imagine what could your family, marriage, work, vacation??? Ah...wouldn't be good if our kids never fought. Imagine getting out of the snow to holiday in Maui?
Now, will you imagine with me continued evidence of people becoming more like Jesus by yielding their own will and desires to the direction of the almighty God? What a picture!!
Reading in the first Life Journal passage for the year yesterday, in Genesis 1 & 2, God struck me with how much freedom that Adam & Eve had in the garden that God created. God tells Adam that he can eat of any of the trees, except one. Following Jesus isn't about rules and staunch religion, Jesus is offering freedom!! Imagine as each of us experience true freedom that overshadows material possessions, trips & family, and other ways Satan tempts us to find our identity.
Imagine... with me a church, the body of Christ, stirred to serve each other, to love each other with the love that Christ showed the church. Imagine with me as Gateway becomes a group of people who are committed to each other --praying for each other, pouring our lives into each other and having a deep desire to celebrate and share together what God is doing in their lives. Imagine people who deeply desire to share their lives with each other in a small group context, realizing we need each other.
Imagine... in 2009 as Gateway Community Church, in Port Alberni, realizes their potential to live as ambassadors for Jesus. Imagine as we embrace the fact we are the hands and feet of Jesus, serving those in need because of what Jesus has done for us. Imagine as we link an amazing message from Jesus with everyday problems (such as anger, bitterness, marital problems), so our dialogue brings life and hope. Imagine as people place visible markers, through baptism & membership, to show their family, friends, God and Satan that they belong to Jesus. we are consumed in worship of God. Picture more than angels bowing down, like in Revelation, but our hearts every minute giving attention and glory to God. Imagine our relationship with God being so vital that we long to be in prayer. Men gather together to pray on mountaintops. Ladies are brought to their knees to call on God's power.
We hunger for God to speak to us and are fed daily as we make time for His words of life.
Can you imagine?? Can you see the Kingdom of God coming in our lives? Do we want Him more in 2009?
I have sensed a need that we need to help people see God's potential of God's kingdom in their lives. In January, we are going to take 4 weeks to "Imagine" together what "Worship, Identity, Mission & Community," could look like. This Sunday, Jan. 4th, we'll start with "Mission" and we'll hear how the 10 families used the $50 seed money to invest in their community.
*In addition as we start this year, our Potluck & Prayer groups have an amazing potential to help people practically grow in their relationship with God and other people. Imagine if God brings those who are hurting, or need encouragement to see visible support.
I hope your imagination for what God is able to do in and through you is amazing. May God blow your mind as you dream for him!
Dreaming of what God will do in 2009!
Now, will you imagine with me continued evidence of people becoming more like Jesus by yielding their own will and desires to the direction of the almighty God? What a picture!!
Reading in the first Life Journal passage for the year yesterday, in Genesis 1 & 2, God struck me with how much freedom that Adam & Eve had in the garden that God created. God tells Adam that he can eat of any of the trees, except one. Following Jesus isn't about rules and staunch religion, Jesus is offering freedom!! Imagine as each of us experience true freedom that overshadows material possessions, trips & family, and other ways Satan tempts us to find our identity.
Imagine... with me a church, the body of Christ, stirred to serve each other, to love each other with the love that Christ showed the church. Imagine with me as Gateway becomes a group of people who are committed to each other --praying for each other, pouring our lives into each other and having a deep desire to celebrate and share together what God is doing in their lives. Imagine people who deeply desire to share their lives with each other in a small group context, realizing we need each other.
Imagine... in 2009 as Gateway Community Church, in Port Alberni, realizes their potential to live as ambassadors for Jesus. Imagine as we embrace the fact we are the hands and feet of Jesus, serving those in need because of what Jesus has done for us. Imagine as we link an amazing message from Jesus with everyday problems (such as anger, bitterness, marital problems), so our dialogue brings life and hope. Imagine as people place visible markers, through baptism & membership, to show their family, friends, God and Satan that they belong to Jesus. we are consumed in worship of God. Picture more than angels bowing down, like in Revelation, but our hearts every minute giving attention and glory to God. Imagine our relationship with God being so vital that we long to be in prayer. Men gather together to pray on mountaintops. Ladies are brought to their knees to call on God's power.
We hunger for God to speak to us and are fed daily as we make time for His words of life.
Can you imagine?? Can you see the Kingdom of God coming in our lives? Do we want Him more in 2009?
I have sensed a need that we need to help people see God's potential of God's kingdom in their lives. In January, we are going to take 4 weeks to "Imagine" together what "Worship, Identity, Mission & Community," could look like. This Sunday, Jan. 4th, we'll start with "Mission" and we'll hear how the 10 families used the $50 seed money to invest in their community.
*In addition as we start this year, our Potluck & Prayer groups have an amazing potential to help people practically grow in their relationship with God and other people. Imagine if God brings those who are hurting, or need encouragement to see visible support.
I hope your imagination for what God is able to do in and through you is amazing. May God blow your mind as you dream for him!
Dreaming of what God will do in 2009!
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