Luke 12:49-53 - is about how a relationship with Jesus doesn’t always bring the peace that people expect – why – b/c there will be some tension in relationships – there’s a whole list there of who we will be in conflict with b/c we decide to follow Jesus. Do you ever find this conflict arise? Perhaps you tell someone that you have met Jesus but they are not so impressed? Or they get a bit angry about your decision to become "fanatical" about Jesus (ie. you spend your time differently, your values are determined by God, you are way too generous); you can get a bit ostracized & excluded. In other countries literally they will have funerals for you as they believe you are beyond hope and have died.
The next passage (Luke 12:54-59) is a challenge to what we are anticipating & studying. Jesus calls people to their great interest in the weather. Jesus says, "Try to count how often you comment about the weather?" We are obsessed with the weather. Think about the most common app that comes with new - it's the weather app! We care so deeply about the weather, but we forget about realizing the importance of the time we are in – where the return of Jesus is close at hand!
Then Jesus says – make relationships right – don’t aim to go to court but reconcile before then.
Here's a more in-depth sermon by Mark Driscoll (pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle) from the passage:
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