Wednesday, September 8, 2010

moving holding onto God

Right now, things in the life of Gateway Community Church seem to be flying. God is moving in a way...bringing new people to the church, (people looking for a church that is on mission, looking for a healthy church, looking for a church that accepts them but calls them to change because of Jesus). Again I say, God is moving! I have conversations with people and they say, "God stirred in my heart to come to Gateway." And I say, "Wow!"

I am humbled and grateful to God that he has placed me in this incredible serve, and encourage, and empower, and shepherd HIS people!

I came across this youtube video which really challenged me to again aim higher and ask God for His will and His ways to be done in me and in those around me.


Anonymous said...

Wow paul this video is amazing. I know the responsibility of the pastor is above all in the church, but I also feel like the people attending the church also have a responsibility believe and being part of a movement. I'm glad this inspired you, it inspired me as well.

Paul Wicki said...

Can't agree more with you on the shared responsibility (priesthood of all believers concept)of all the people part of any church. The swing of the pendulum can for sure put too much emphasis on the pastor to provide all the vision, and others just sit back and wait for the pastor to come up with something (whatever that is) amazing vs. the rest of the church stepping up and taking the call personally. I always say that "vision drives ministry" - meaning that if someone has a vision to start a new event, gathering, mission, they will inspire others with their vision (of course given by God).