Thursday, September 9, 2010

a lot of ....gods

As I start this new series, "Gods that Fail," I see more and more gods around us (things that are good things made into ultimate things). Case in point, as I sit in a coffee shop, and see many people longing for their cup of brew to get them through the day. What does it mean to be "addicted" to coffee....or any other good thing? It's a reality that our heart gets twisted and naturally turns away from God.

“These men have set up idols in their hearts.” Ezekiel 14:3

or Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

This is a tough series to preach (not sure which one is an easy one, as the Holy Spirit is always convicting us of sin and causes us to see Jesus and His love for us, and His hate for sin).

May God, the God and creator, be the one we worship above everything else.

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