“GENEVA (AP) Whatever the case, the most powerful atom-smasher ever built comes online Wednesday, eagerly anticipated by scientists worldwide who have awaited this moment for two decades.The multibillion-dollar Large Hadron Collider will explore the tiniest particles and come ever closer to re-enacting the big bang, the theory that a colossal explosion created the universe.The machine at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, promises scientists a closer look at the makeup of matter, filling in gaps in knowledge or possibly reshaping theories.The first beams of protons will be fired around the 17-mile tunnel to test the controlling strength of the world's largest superconducting magnets. It will still be about a month before beams traveling in opposite directions are brought together in collisions that some skeptics fear could create micro "black holes" and endanger the planet.The project has attracted researchers of 80 nationalities, some 1,200 of them from the United States, which contributed $531 million of the project's price tag of nearly $4 billion.”
What does this have to do with Gateway Community Church or Port Alberni…a lot! This Sunday, we investigate how there could be only one truth (the way to be saved). He said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Isn’t it interesting, some 2000 years after Jesus was around, people are still trying to simulate what only God could do – create life? 4 Billion dollars has been spent on this machine in Switzerland – what will happen – perhaps Switzerland and the earth is sucked into a black hole?? I don’t know – but what I do know is people want to know the truth!
What do you think about these scientists attempts?
How hard do you search for truth?