As the devastating images continue to stream in about the earthquake in Haiti, I'm struck by the question, how can I help? Sure, by sending some money to the local Red Cross or a registered relief organization like MCC ( is a way to add support to a very bleak situation; however, I still wonder what is God calling me to do?
I think of the words of Jesus in Matthew 5 & 6 of giving our coats (maybe the gortex one or the many pairs of shoes) to those who ask (or even who hint). As I sit on my soft couch, what does it mean to make a difference in the situation where people don't have any homes, or even food or water tonight in Haiti?
In some ways, maybe all we can do is pray. In raw emotion, call out to God to bring help quicker and healing faster. Also our response should also include being thankful to God for what we do have today. For one verse resonates in my head, "continually give thanks." We have so much to be thankful.
God help those in Haiti. Give peace and strength to those who are waiting to hear from loved ones. Comfort those who are mourning.
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