Friday, January 15, 2010

What can I offer?

As the devastating images continue to stream in about the earthquake in Haiti, I'm struck by the question, how can I help? Sure, by sending some money to the local Red Cross or a registered relief organization like MCC ( is a way to add support to a very bleak situation; however, I still wonder what is God calling me to do?

I think of the words of Jesus in Matthew 5 & 6 of giving our coats (maybe the gortex one or the many pairs of shoes) to those who ask (or even who hint). As I sit on my soft couch, what does it mean to make a difference in the situation where people don't have any homes, or even food or water tonight in Haiti?

In some ways, maybe all we can do is pray. In raw emotion, call out to God to bring help quicker and healing faster. Also our response should also include being thankful to God for what we do have today. For one verse resonates in my head, "continually give thanks." We have so much to be thankful.

God help those in Haiti. Give peace and strength to those who are waiting to hear from loved ones. Comfort those who are mourning.

Thursday, January 7, 2010 others

"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness" Hebrews 3:13
This is quite a verse that says a lot about believing in others and the impact they can make on how far you get in your walk with God.

Do you ever need encouragement? Maybe encouragement to hear that you can make it in the long race of life? Perhaps you need encouragement that your marriage is going to make it, or maybe you need encouragement that you can find a job, or that your life is worth living with purpose - well people in the church, are the ones who should be there for each other.

As you start a new day, ask God who needs to hear encouragement that they can make it. God will give you the words which will bring life to their situation. ...and go speak them, text them, or say them face to face!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This past Sunday, God called me to a share a tough message about Believing in God. As I prayed about the passage from Mark 11:22-24, God made it clear to me that there is belief and then there is BELIEF! There is a belief which is stuck in our head and which doesn't really move us or inspire us.

Jesus talks about a belief or faith that will move mountains. This type of belief shapes the way we talk. This type of deep belief in God stirs us to pray and hold to God when others are looking elsewhere. Imagine as we become people who are so stirred to believe in God in all circumstances that we are moved by the possiblities of God rather than the size of our problem.

Does this type of belief come easy? No! Will God answer all our prayers the way we want...immediately, or does our mountain of problems get removed by God one shovel full at a time?

God is calling us to believe in Him and His faithfulness and love.

What struggle are you looking at that you know that you need to ask God to do something about?