Saturday, January 10, 2009

So much!

This past week, I stumbled upon this verse, "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God." 1 John 3:1

The word "lavish" stood out to me as I read this verse. When God gives us his love, how much does he give? Is he skimpy? Does he say, "That's all I really can give you, but I know you want more?" There are times the selfish part of me holds back what my son wants. Sam, may ask for a piece of my desert, after he's finished his. I'll be honest, my tendency is to give him a little bite, but not all of it. I don't say, "Have mine and I'll go get you some more."

But God looks at us and pours out his love in abundance! His act of sending his son allows us to see that He loves us, even when we don't deserve to see His love.

So many of the miracles of Jesus, were examples of plenty and abundance.
- Jesus feeding the 5000, there were 12 baskets that were left over from the multiplication of 5 loaves and 2 fish!!
- turning water into wine at a wedding: he took 6 jars and made the best wine
- a huge catch of fish -- the disciples are ready to give up and they catch the motherload!!

*To understand that God doesn't just give a little - but he has already given more than we can ask or imagine - his love, his peace, joy.

Can you grasp the great love of God?

How does God's love cause you to act?


Ben said...

I enjoy reading your posts. It always gives me something to think about during my lunch breaks.
Greetings from Germany :-)

Paul Wicki said...

Hi Benjamin,
It's good to be able to share my thoughts on what God is teaching me. As I read from John Piper, he said blogging is a good practice for pastors as it causes us to work on our communication skills.

Ben said...

It's the first time I heard John Piper ;) Maybe it's because I'm from Germany.
My fiancée and I started reading the book "Time to get serious" and in some ways it teaches me like your blog does.
Do you maybe know the christian bookstore "Believers Bookshelf Canada" in Ontario? My future father-in-law is the manager there, so it would be interesting if you would know it.

Paul Wicki said...

John Piper is a very solid Biblical Expositor and preacher (with a great website of his previous sermons -

As for your question about the bookstore, never heard of it. Probably because we live on the other side of Canada in British Columbia.

I have to ask how you stumbled upon my blog? (Being in Germany and all- although I have to say your English is really good!).

Ben said...

Finally I get to answer. I don't even remember how I found out about your blog. I added it to my bookmarks a couple weeks ago. Maybe I googled for something or saw a link to your blog on another website.

I read a bit about John Piper on his website and wikipedia. We can be thankful for men like him to spread out the word of God. I'm always careful though when men become too important or have too much influence (I don't know enough about him to have an opinion about him) because not men just be in our focus (because every man fails and can mislead us) but the Lord Jesus Christ. From the church I come from, we don't have pastors or priests.

I'm practicing my english with reading english emails & forums everday for my work and also talking english on the phone with my fiancée, she is Canadian and I'll move to Canada in March too.

I have been in Port Alberni once, I think it was in 1996 when I was on vacations with my family.