So hear's the deal....with Thanksgiving approaching (Oct. 13), I begin to wonder - What am I thankful for? And even beyond that, who will I direct my thanksgiving to? Very often I am not content with the status quo. But I should be examining, am I thankful to God for what he gives me?
Reading this story this past week from Luke 17:15-18 - where Jesus heals 10 men with leprosy, but only one comes back and thanks Jesus for the healing he receives. What audacity to forget to thank the one who had healed them! Do you ever get that way? I can say my kids forget to thank me when I give them a snack or buy them a new toy, but do I forget to thank God for all the great things (house, job, wife, children, clothes, car) he has given me?
In the next 2 months at Gateway Community Church, we are going to be looking at the tough questions surrounding prayer. Topics like - "Why do we thank God? Why do we talk to him? Does he hear us? Why doesn't he always answer the way we want?
I think for some of us - we know the power of prayer, but forget to utilize this incredible gift God has given us. On the other hand, perhaps we have seen prayers go "unanswered" (when a family member dies or we lose our job or our marriage falls apart) so our belief in prayer is shaken.
Will you join us in a journey as we look at what Jesus says about prayer. Why pray the Lord's prayer? Does it have any significance today? Strap on your seat belts and be prepared to see God come alive!