Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Well, last week was something off the charts. Yes preaching about husbands loving their wives as Christ loved the church and wives submitting to their husbands as to the Lord (Ephesians 5:22-33), was quite a doozy.

But, last Tuesday, I was able to go to a church planters network meeting and hear a talk about managing conflict. As the speaker, Ron Toews, (a friend, mentor, teacher, fellow follower of Jesus) unpacked this idea and the implications of managing conflict in a healthy way, God started to speak in a mighty way!
Here's some points that stood out:
  • "The mission of God should create conflict" Basically, if we are following the Bible and what the church is called to be and we are called to be, it will create some conflict....good conflict
  • "Helping people work through the small conflict in life, will pave the way for working on the bigger conflict."

So, some big questions came to mind...for you (not really sure who reads this, one person or 100), but to ponder for yourselves:

  • How do you manage conflict at your workplace?
  • If there was a continuum of conflict, where would you be....hating conflict - not minding it once in awhile - or embracing it no matter what.
  • How do you manage conflict in your marriage or close friendships? Who takes the lead in resolving conflict, you or the other person?
  • What about in church...have you run away from conflict, not willing to work through it - I know often I have, and already at Gateway, I have shyed away from certain people and conflict with them....unhealthy - for sure!

This idea about conflict led me to this sight, which I found yesterday. Check it out...even watch the video - what secrets do we hide or live in fear to?

May God give you hope and joy as you receive his love today,

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the second week of the apocalypse...teaching on marriage

Well, after this past week of preaching a real passionate piece of work about husbands loving their wives -well I have heard a number of comments from guys who listened to the sermon. Here's a sampling:
- Wow, you sure nailed us!
- Now that no guys will ever show up to a Sunday service who are you going to preach to?
- I have all of those areas figured out.

I have to admit, this was a convicting sermon to preach. There are so many areas I need to elevate and be thankful for my wife. I sure have a great calling to be a leader in our home, who loves God and lives out his love that Jesus showed to the church.

This week, I follow up with addressing the wives (and the husbands, but they don't know that), about submission, headship, respect...which are all lived out, only through a relationship with God.

If you are married, discuss with your spouse, what an ideal marriage would look like...then start working towards that goal of oneness and love.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Desperate Households...& lives

This week, I am studying one of the toughest passages I have had to preach on in awhile. At Gateway Community Church we have looked at many interesting issues in the past month related to anger, lying, stealing, how we talk - all related to these things should change as we encounter a relationship with Jesus.

What could that passage be that is so difficult? It's a passage that says, "Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church."

What's the big deal, you may be wondering? Just a reminder that Jesus gave up his life for the church (ie. people who want to have a relationship with God). My question is, men, when is the last time you really sacrificed for your wife?...Now I'm not talking about changing the channel during the playoffs, or washing the dishes, but I mean consistently thought of your wife's needs and wanted to do whatever it took to please her?

I find it's quite easy in a marriage relationship to point out and get frustrated with all the things my wife doesn't do (don't get me wrong, she is pretty amazing), but it's much more difficult to love her unconditionally, to be focus on her and treating her like I am dating her.

If you want to find out more what my thoughts will sound like...come out Sunday, I dare you:)

The rest of the month, in our series on Desperate Households, we will be flipping the tables and looking at how our wives can be a good lover, how kids and parents can get along, and how to raise up children....

Come out on a Sunday, this series, based in Ephesians 5:21-33 - will give you some real life application that I guarantee will improve your home life.

Share some stories/ comments on who has taught you how to have a good family life, marriage?
